Scientific Committee

Martin Kusý
Member of Committee
Institute of materials science, Faculty of material science and technology in Trnava. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Vice-chair of Society for new materials and technology (SNMT)
Institute of materials science

Peter Šugár
Member of Committee
Institute of production technologies, Faculty of material science and technology in Trnava. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Institute of production technologies
Organization Committee

Martin Nosko
Chair of committee
Head of Division II. microstructure of surfaces and interfaces of Institute of machine mechanics and materials of Slovak academy of sciences, Vice-chair of Society for new materials and technology (SNMT) and co-founder of All4Science, o,z.

Alena Opálková Šišková
Oragnization secretary
Institute of machine mechanics and materials of Slovak academy of sciences (IMMM SAS), administrator of Society for new materials and technology (SNMT) and co-founder of All4Science, o,z.