5th SNMT workshop dedicated to AMI2030 Initiative

The Society for New Materials and Technologies (SNMT) invites you to the 5th Strategic Workshop, which will be focused on announcing the strategy adopted by the European Commission in February 2024 - "Advanced Materials for Leadership in Industry". This strategy aims to align research, innovation and investment priorities across the EU and ensure Europe's leadership in this key area. 

Experts, scientists, and prominent representatives of the European Commission, the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, and the Council of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Science, Technology and Innovation will speak at the seminar. 

The aim of the workshop is not only to present the current national and European direction and initiatives in this area but also to create a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience between all interested parties.

We believe that participation in this event will bring valuable knowledge to all participants, which will benefit the further development and application of advanced materials in various industries in Slovakia.

When will the workshop be held? 

19. júna 2024 od 9:00

Where will the workshop take place? 

Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences,  Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 13 Bratislava, Slovensko


Representatives from ministries, Research and innovation Authorities, academy, universities as well as industry associations.

Moderator: Otakar Horák


09.00 - 09:10      Opening

Martin Nosko (Director of the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, SAS) / Kamil Novák (Head of Office of SLORD) - Slovak Representative to AMI2030 initiative

09.10 - 09.40     Re-defining national priorities: Revision process of SK RIS3 2021+

Roland Blaško (VAIA) on the national revision process and methodology on defining Slovak national priorities for R&I

09.40 - 10.10     (Untapped) potential of material science in Slovakia

František Simančík (Council of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Science, Technology, and Innovation, Member of RIS3 working group) on the methodology of evaluating national strengths in material sciences

10.10 - 10.30     Coffee break

10.30 - 11.00     Advanced materials for industrial leadership

Javier Sanfelix (European Commission, DG RTD) on the Communication of Advanced Materials for Industrial Leadership

11.00 - 11.45     Panel debate: Pulling on the same string: Creating synergies between national and European levels

Roland Blaško, Research and Innovation Authority

František Simančík, Member of Council of the Government of Slovak Republic for Science, Technology and Innovation

Libor Ďuriška, Vicedean at MTF STU for strategic project and mobility

Javier Sanfelix, European Commission, DG RTD

11.45 - 12.00     Wrap up

12.00 - 13.00     Lunch