14th International Scientific Conference
Bratislava, November 14, 2023

Konštrukčné materiály - Structural materials 2023
ISBN: 978-80-974599-0-1 (pdf)
EAN: 9788097459901 (pdf)
Publisher: Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, SAS
Zostavovateľ: Jaroslav Jerz, Alena Opálková Šišková
Bratislava, Slovakia, 2023
About the Conference
The Conference SM-2023 follows up on previous biennial conferences organized by Slovak Metal Science Society, which took place from 1997 in Bratislava, Košice, Trnava and Žilina. The main goal is the exchange of the latest knowledge, especially in the field of structural engineering materials. The conference also aims to create conditions for deepening existing and establishing new personal and professional contacts. The conference is focused on the following areas:
- structural materials (steels, cast irons, non-ferrous metal alloys, ceramics, polymers, composites, powder metallurgy) – structure, properties, applications;
- modification of metallic material properties (thermal and thermochemical treatment, surface treatment, coating, etc.);
- structural analysis, mechanical and physical properties;
- production, recycling, sustainability, industrial applications, etc.
Language: English
notification letters will be sent by e-mail to the individual who submitted the
abstract. Keynote Lectures are scheduled for 30 minutes per talk: 25 minutes
for speaking and 5 minutes for discussion. Oral Lectures are scheduled for 20 minutes per
talk: 15 minutes for speaking and 5 minutes for discussion. The
keynote speakers will answer the questions of the conference participants also
during the final Panel Discussions.
Date: November 14, 2023
- Members of SMSS and SNMT 40 Eur
- Other participants 60 Eur
- PhD Students 20 Eur
The registration fee includes organizational costs, lunch and refreshments during Tea/Coffee Breaks
Payment Instruction:
Account number: 0172165477/0900
IBAN: SK5509000000000172165477
Variable symbol: 12015
In the message for the recipient, please state the name and surname of the participant and the name of the organization.
Abstract template:
Important days:
- Deadline for abstract submission October 13, 2023
- Acceptance of the contributions October 20, 2023
- Payment of registration fee October 27, 2023
- All accepted abstracts will be published on conference website
- Full papers can be published in the journal Acta Metallurgica Slovaca (ISSN 1335-1532), Materials Engineering (ISSN 1335-0803) or Metallic Materials (ISSN 1338-4252 - online, ISSN 0023-432X - printed)
Chairman of organizing committee:
Dr. Alena Opálková Šišková
Tel.: +421 - 2 - 3240 1012
E-mail: alena.opalkova-siskova@savba.sk
Member of organizing committee
Mrs. Silvia Múčková
Tel.: +421 - 2 - 3240 1003
E-mail: silvia.muckova@savba.sk