TEM/STEM Workshop 2023
Dear colleagues,
Institute of materials and machine mechanics of SAS (IMMM SAS) and Society for new materials and technology invite you on a basic workshop for transmission electron microscopy, which will be held at IMMM SAS. Participants will learn about the basics of TEM and STEM microscopy, sample preparation and evaluation of measured data (SAED, HR-STEM, FFT, EDS).
The workshop will be held in the IMMM SAS building (Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 13 Bratislava) in 3rd floor on: 28th February 2023 (Tuesday); 1st March 2023 (Wednesday); 7th March 2023 (Tuesday) and 8th March 2023 (Wednesday).
Maximum number of participants: 8.
Workshop fee: 30 eur.
The price includes all the necessary material that will be needed during the four-days training, study material on a USB stick, refreshments and the trainers' know-how.
You can register by e-mail: nagy.stefan@savba.sk
Payment methods:
1. Bank transfer:
Bank: Prima Banka Slovensko, a.s.
IBAN: SK4831000000004000298909
Note for the recipient: Name and surname of the participant
2. Cash payment: after agreement with the organizers
Billing information:
Spoločnosť pre nové materiály a technológie
Addresse: Dúbravská cesta 6319/9, 84513 Bratislava
IČO (VAT): 30811520
DIČ: 2020888595